Thursday, July 10, 2014

flashcards again

Happy actually to have a chance to make/use flashcards again. Even if we have to remember plenty of things on a daily basis, memorizing is never so pure or formal or immediately rewarded as it is when you must study for a quiz. Here are some of my botanical flashcards for my upcoming Herbaceous Plant ID exam - one step closer to being a licensed horticulturalist, whatever that means! (Note to self, find out.)

Begonia grandis, Begoniaceae fam.

Echinacea pallida, Asteraceae fam.
Asclepias syriaca, Asclepiadaceae fam.
Erigeron annuus, Asteraceae fam.
...and for a laugh, here is as far as I got drawing this
iris with a ballpoint pen. Let's call it "minimalist."
Iris versicolor, Iridaceae fam.

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